Going paperless is both convenient and ecologically beneficial, as well as cost-effective.

Experts predicted that the era of paperless business would arrive as organizations become more reliant on electronic communication. Despite this, retailers, restaurants, hairdressers, legal offices, and small manufacturing businesses still struggle to become paperless.


It is not going to happen overnight but take smaller steps to reach the “paperless water delivery business” goal.

Digitalize Billing & Payments

Electronic modes of payment such as Google pay, and Paytm, are available for customers via the customer app

Downloadable invoice option in Admin dashboard and customer app where invoices are available online.

Digital signature for confirming order delivery without using papers, all history of orders available online.

No more use of delivery sheets instead uses a field app where delivery agents have full details of upcoming deliveries.

Digitalize Customer acquisition

  • Use of Social media to engage customers
  • Refer & earn scheme for existing customers
  • Offers/ discount options on Customer apps or websites
Customer on-boarding
  • Use of digital records with complete data accessible via admin dashboard
  • Updates & notifications are updated via the customer app, delivery app
  • Prepaid coupon replaced by wallet

Centralized Delivery Management Software to manage all the activities online reduces the use of paper in the business. It will not only save the extra costs and will help you manage your business sustainably. 

You are the only one who can tell if your small business and customers are ready for a paperless workplace. Perhaps the initial expenditures and effort required to outweigh any potential rewards. And paperless firms have their own set of issues to contend with; no system is ideal. A paperless-office plan, on the other hand, is suitable for firms that desire a more efficient and secure means of documentation. And now that you know how to go paperless, if that’s what you want to do, you have a few options for where to begin.

Ravi Garg Founder & CEO

He loves to explore. His passion for helping delivery industries in all aspects flows through in the vision he has. In addition to providing smart solution to make delivery process flawless, Ravi also likes to write sometimes to make it easier for people from business industry looking for digital solutions.